Monday, January 6, 2020

Misconception of Womens Role in Relationships - 1494 Words

Every person is entitled to his or her own personal ways of life to become his or her own individual. However, some people have unbalanced roles in life between themselves and their couple. The women in the relationship tend to be the persons who get manipulated into just providing and satisfying their significant other’s needs. This ongoing unbalance between the sexes, has been happening since forever and women feel secure when being together with a man. Mrs. Ames from Astronomer’s wife and Jig from Hills like White Elephants are both women who have depended on a man for secureness but with ambiguous communication, these women are finding affection elsewhere. Mrs. Ames from Astronomer’s wife is a great illustration of women feeling†¦show more content†¦Ames gets up, please tell him I’ve gone down† (65). A very similar theme happened in the story of the Hills have White Elephants with relationship problems. A women named Jig and this American man were at a train station waiting for a train to take them to Madrid. Its very hot so the American man orders two beer for the couple, while waiting the woman named Jig mentions how â€Å"the hills look like white elephants†(400). Trying to make an obvious comment to the American about their situation. However, at the same time this couple is having some communication issues about an important issue they are having. Noticing the tension between them both, the American man orders more alcohol. Realizing how the only way this couple spend some time together is by â€Å"looking at things and try new drinks† (401), can explain the small talk and the woman getting tired of doing the same things. The American man trying to convince the woman to have an abortion by assuring her that â€Å"it’s really an awfully simple operation, it’s not really an operation at all† (401); shows how selfish this man really is. Even though he seems caring about going with Jig and staying with her throughout this â€Å"operation†. But having to ask his significant other to take the risk and even buying her beer while she is pregnant, does show how determine he really is to convince her not to keep their baby. But Jig wonders what they would do after this whole situation is taken care of and of course the AmericanShow MoreRelatedFeminism And Women s Equality936 Words   |  4 PagesThere are many misconceptions about feminism. Some men see feminists as lesbians or man haters. Anti-feminists typically dictate the term as supporting women’s equality and opposing men’s. In addition, some more common misconceptions consist of feminism being a movement only for gender equality, a fight for matriarchy and power, and male feminists being considered against their gender. Many individuals see the word Feminism, and immediately interpret it as a movement strictly for women’s causes. 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